Nov 19,2020 by Special to the Dispatch
OCEAN CITY – The Robert I. Schattner Foundation has provided the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea with a $10,000 matching grant to promote “growth through giving” throughout the month of December. All new donors who contribute to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea’s pediatric respite program, will have their contributions doubled by this generous grant.
“This is a wonderful growth opportunity that will have a direct and very positive impact on the families that we serve here in Ocean City,” said Believe In Tomorrow’s Founder, Brian Morrison.
The matching grant will begin on Dec. 1 and continue through the month of December until the full amount of the grant is utilized. All funds raised will go directly to Believe In Tomorrow’s Ocean City respite program.
This grant was made possible through the direction of Sidney Bresler, the president and chairman of the Robert I. Schattner Foundation, who read an article about the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea last summer. Bresler, a Bethesda, Md. resident who owns a home in Ocean City, recently toured the Children’s House By The Sea with his wife Phyllis.
“We are honored to help the many families who stay at the Believe In Tomorrow Foundation’s Ocean City respite housing find relief, particularly during these very difficult times with the added stress of COVID-19,” said Mr. Bresler. “Our goal at the Robert I. Schattner Foundation is to make grants where they will do the most good, and where our gifts will make a difference in the quality of people’s lives.”
Schattner was a renowned dentist who used his knowledge of chemistry to launch a highly successful career as a national-level entrepreneur. He was the inventor of Chloraseptic and Sporicidin and used his success with these products to fund the foundation and its charitable endeavors. He served on many corporate boards and for 15 years served on the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Board of Overseers. The foundation was founded in 1992. Although Schattner passed away in 2017, his legacy of giving lives on through.
The Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation is a national leader in the area of pediatric respite and hospital housing. Believe In Tomorrow’s flagship beach respite location is on 66th Street in Ocean City across from the beachfront Holiday Inn. All donations will go toward a respite expansion being planned for a property on 65th Street. Anyone interested in contributing can do so by going to believeintomorrow.org and designating the Children’s House By The Sea in the online contribution, or by calling 410-744-1032 or 410-723-2842 and designating TCHBTS.
Click here to see the original press release