Published 10/1/2015
Fall may officially be here, but we’re still enjoying the great weather with Orioles games, Professional Bull Riding (PBR) events, and golf tournaments! Read below for details and to see pictures from our busy month of September.
With the changing of the seasons, it also means the holidays are right around the corner! Monetary donations help us keep critically ill children and their families together during this special time, but there are other great ways to support Believe In Tomorrow. Read below to learn how you may be able to double the impact of a donation through work!
A Reason to Believe
U.S. Coast Guard Saves a Shoe!
The Ross family recently stayed with us for a much-needed week away at the Believe In Tomorrow House on Fenwick Island in Fenwick Island, DE. When following up with them after their stay, we weren’t surprised to hear that they enjoyed the comfortable accommodations, local miniature golf, and even a spa day. It was hearing their story about the U.S. Coast Guard, though, that amazed us all. Read More
The Results Are In!
Believe Kids Cheer on O’s and Bull Riders
While the Orioles’ playoff hopes may have slipped away, it wasn’t for lack of fans! Thanks to a ticket donation from John and Meg Clarke, we were able to send a group of children and their families to one of the last O’s games of the summer! We also sent groups of children from our Hands On Adventures program to PBR events in Pennsylvania and North Carolina!
4th Annual Scunny-Elvis Golf Classic
We enjoyed gorgeous weather and a great turnout for the 4th Annual Scunny-Elvis Golf Classic! Click here for pictures and a video from the Baltimore Sun!
Beach Bash at Seacrets
We capped off another successful summer at the beach earlier this week with our annual Beach Bash event at Seacrets Restaurant in Ocean City, MD. For those who didn’t attend, we unveiled our new $5,000 Disney Vacation raffle!! Tickets were going fast, but we’ll continue selling them until the drawing in May 2016 – call the number below to purchase tickets today!
Stay Tuned
Giving Tuesday is Coming!
There’s a day to give thanks. There are two days for getting deals. Now, we have Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back!
Baltimore nonprofits shattered the records in 2013 and received over $5.6 million in donations, earning the title of “Most Generous City in America.” Stay tuned to upcoming newsletters and Facebook posts with details about how you can join the movement by donating to Believe In Tomorrow on December 1, 2015!
Get Involved
Workplace Giving Season
It’s that time of year, when government workers are asked to make their selections for the charities they would like to donate to through workplace giving. If you participate as a state or local employee, or through the United Way Workplace Giving campaign, nominate Believe In Tomorrow today! Learn more
Not a government worker? You may still have the opportunity to double your donation through an employer matching gift! Click the link above to learn more
Upcoming Events
Hands On Bull Riding
Tuscon, AZ
Hands On Racing
Reading, PA
Hands On Bull Riding
Las Vegas, NV
Hands On Bull Riding
Las Vegas, NV
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