OCEAN CITY, Md.- Unity and encouragement; those were the main messages that were spread Monday afternoon when Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan visited the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House in Ocean City.
“I hope people help this program any children’s program, you know we need the community’s help,” Yumi Hogan said.
“Yumi is a wonderful advocate for believe in tomorrow and our mission to help children with cancer, and it’s really about celebrating life and hope and bring everyone together at the beach,” Brian Morrison, the founder of Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea, said.
The foundation provides services to critically ill children and families,. letting them stay a week at the beach to help them get their minds off of what they are going through.
First Lady Hogan said places like this one lets families know they have support.
“It’s very, very important they have to go through this, their family, their family is suffering with them, not them themselves, alone so children also they come and see all their friends they do, they forget about the moment,” Yumi Hogan said.
She said coming together during these uncertain times is crucial and is heartwarming.
“Especially, they are very depressed, you know they couldn’t see friends, they couldn’t go out so today’s the first time they opened and they have happy faces,” Yumi Hogan said.
And for the families that met Maryland’s First Lady they said she also had an impact on them and their visit.
“When they saw her they were very impressed, just with her, she wanted to be personal with everybody and she really was,” Jesse Davidson, a parent said.
“It just shows shes a really caring person and just to hear that she would be praying for our us and individually praying for the kids really touched my heart quite a bit,” Joseph Arouni, a parent said.
https://www.wmdt.com – Ocean City, Md | June 28, 2021 | Written by by Anissa Lopez
Originally published on https://www.wmdt.com/2021/06/marylands-first-lady-visits-families-in-oc-giving-them-hope-and-support/