The Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation is opening it’s second respite house in Deep Creek Lake that will provide respite stays to pediatric cancer patients and their families. This large mountain style house, located immediately next to the Wisp Resort ski slopes, will also provide end of life accommodations for larger family gatherings that can include grandparents and aunts and uncles.
With an anticipated opening of early Fall 2018, Believe In Tomorrow is in need of select donations of new mountain style furnishings and accessories to fill the house. This five-bedroom four bath respite, with large family gathering and recreation areas, has stunning views from the top of Marsh Mountain to the lake below. A large outdoor healing garden and sitting area will connect to a second Believe In Tomorrow respite house located immediately next door.
Believe In Tomorrow opened its first pediatric respite house in Deep Creek in 2006, and that facility operates at 100% capacity, which was the catalyst for building a second larger facility.
“Deep Creek Lake has been a respite location that is highly sought after by the critically ill children and families that we service,” said Maryanne Davis, COO of Believe In Tomorrow and the project manager for the new respite house. “Here in these beautiful mountains, families are able to find the peace and relaxation that is so important to the healing process,” she added.
Believe In Tomorrow is a national leader in the area of pediatric respite and hospital housing, having provided over 900,000 overnight accommodations to critically ill children and their families. Believe In Tomorrow is also a leading provider of support services to U.S. military families who have critically ill children.
To learn more about Believe In Tomorrow and this new respite project you can go to: www.believeintomorrow.org.