Published 4/1/2016
We are less than a month away from the 2016 Port to Fort 6k Race, sponsored by The Home Depot! Join us as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of this family-friendly event, voted one of the best races in Baltimore by CBS!
Also, read about our busy month of Hands On Adventures, including a special Hands On Flying day in Tampa, FL, with a birthday surprise!
Lastly, check out all of our upcoming events as we prepare for a busy summer of respite and hospital housing! With a gala, a golf tournament, and a chance to win $10,000, there’s something for everyone!
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20th Anniversary Port to Fort 6k Race
There are only three weeks left to register for the 2016 Port to Fort 6k Race!
Without you, our amazing supporters, we would never have reached this incredible milestone. Join us once again as we raise valuable support and awareness for the critically ill children and families that rely on Believe In Tomorrow to empower their fight against life-threatening illnesses.
April 23, 2016
A Reason to Believe
Isiah Gets a Birthday Surprise
The Lucas family is used to surprises. Doctors told Sera and her husband, Andrew, they would be never be able to have children. Then, their son, Josiah, was born. While Josiah begged for a brother, Sera and Andrew tried to never let him get his hopes up. Then another miracle happened, and Isiah was born.
Two years later, though, they were hit with the most difficult surprise of all – Isiah was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma cancer. Read More
Stay Tuned
Gala By The Sea – April 2nd
Join us as we gear up for a busy summer of respite housing in Ocean City, MD, and help us congratulate Buddy Trala, the 2016 Hero By The Sea! Award-winning magician, John George, will be on hand, as well as live music, fine jewelry raffles, and a chocolate fountain! Learn More
$10,000 Cash Bash – June 8th
1 in 225 are better chances than almost any lottery! Purchase your ticket today for a chance at winning $10,000, and join us for a fun evening with tasty food, drink specials, music, and fun raffles!
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Ocean City Golf Classic – June 10th
Dust off those clubs for the 8th Annual Golf Classic in Ocean City, MD! Enjoy a light breakfast and lunch on the course, and celebrate at the after party hosted by Sunset Grille! Prizes for top finishers and longest drive, as well as fun raffles!
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The Results Are In!
A Busy Month for Hands On Adventures
March was a fun-filled month for our Hands On Adventures program. We hosted children all over the country, from Arizona to Florida, at PBR Bull Riding events, NHRA races, and aboard the MetLife Snoopy 1 Blimp!
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